The Asphalt Jungle

John Huston, 1950 

When the intelligent criminal Erwin "Doc" Riedenschneider is released from prison, he seeks a fifty thousand-dollar investment from the bookmaker Cobby to recruit a small gang of specialists for a million-dollar heist of jewels from a jewelry. Doc is introduced to the lawyer Alonzo D. Emmerich that offers to finance the whole operation and buy the gems immediately after the burglary. Doc hires the safecracker Louis Ciavelli, the driver Gus Minissi and the gunman Dix Handley to the heist. His plan works perfectly but bad luck and betrayals compromise the steps after the heist and the gangsters need to flee from the police.

The Asphalt Jungle
Año: 1950
País: Estados Unidos
Género: Thriller. Cine negro. Robos & Atracos.
Dirección: John Huston
Guión: Ben Maddow & John Huston (Novela: W.R. Burnett)
Duración: 112 min
Reparto: Sterling Hayden, Louis Calhern, Marilyn Monroe, Jean Hagen, James Whitmore, Sam Jaffe, John McIntire, Marc Lawrence, Anthony Caruso
Idioma: Inglés / Comentarios (Inglés sin subs) con subs en español, inglés y francés (contenedor MKV)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 720 x 480
Formato: MKV
Tamaño: 1,35 GB

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