Shock Corridor

Samuel Fuller, 1963

Johnny Barrett, an ambitious journalist, is determined to win a Pulitzer Prize by solving a murder committed in a lunatic asylum and witnessed only by three inmates, from whom the police have been unable to extract the information. With the connivance of a psychiatrist, and the reluctant help of his girlfriend, he succeeds in having himself declared insane and sent to the asylum. There he slowly tracks down and interviews the witnesses - but things are stranger than they seem ...

Shock Corridor
Año: 1963
País: Estados Unidos
Género: Drama. Periodismo.
Dirección: Samuel Fuller
Guión: Samuel Fuller
Duración: 101 min
Reparto: Peter Breck, Constance Towers, Gene Evans, James Best, 
Hari Rhodes, Larry Tucker, Philip Ahn, William Zuckert
Idioma: Inglés con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 704x528
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 987 MB

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