Stranger on the Third Floor

Boris Ingster, 1940

Rising reporter Michael Ward is a key witness in the murder trial of young Joe Briggs, who is convicted on circumstantial evidence while swearing innocence. Mike's girl Jane believes in Joe and blames Mike, who (in a remarkable sequence) dreams he is himself convicted of murdering his nosy neighbor. Will his dream come true before Jane can find the real murderer?

Stranger on the Third Floor
Año: 1940
País: Estados Unidos
Género:Cine negro. Drama
Dirección: Boris Ingster
Guión: Frank Partos
Duración: 64 min
Reparto: Peter Lorre, John McGuire, Margaret Tallichet, Charles Waldron, Elisha Cook Jr., Charles Halton, Ethel Griffies, Cliff Clark, Oscar O’Shea, Alec Craig, Otto Hoffman
Idioma: Inglés con subs en español, francés y serbio (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 568x424
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 700 MB

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