Pete Smalls Is Dead

Alexandre Rockwell, 2010

Peter Dinklage is the hapless hero, struggling through the depths of Hollywood sleaze to get the $10,000 he needs to ransom his elderly dog. His buddy, played by Mark Boone Junior, has greater ambitions; but despite life and alcohol induced craziness, genuinely is a true friend.


Pete Smalls Is Dead
Año: 2010
País: Estados Unidos
Género: Comedia
Dirección: Alexandre Rockwell
Guión: Brandon Cole, Alexandre Rockwell
Duración: 94 min
Reparto: Peter Dinklage, Mark Boone Jr., Rosie Perez, Steve Buscemi, Seymour Cassell, Tim Roth, Lena Headey
Idioma: Inglés con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 624x356
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 698 MB

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