William Wyler, 1951
Jim McLeod is a hard-nosed and cynical detective. He believes in a strict interpretation of the law and doesn't believe in turning the other cheek. The current object of his zealousness is Karl Schneider, an abortionist responsible for the death of several young women. Schneider's lawyer tells the precinct lieutenant that McLeod has his own personal reasons for going after his client. It turns out that his wife was a patient before they met, although Jim knew nothing of it. His world suddenly turned upside down, McLeod is too late in re-evaluating his priorities.
Detective Story
Año: 1951
País: Estados Unidos
Género: Cine negro. Policíaco. Crimen. Drama psicológico
Dirección: Wylliam Wyler
Guión: Philip Yordan & Robert Wyler (Obra de Teatro: Sidney Kingsley)
Duración: 103min
Reparto: Kirk Douglas, Eleanor Parker, Lee Grant, William Bendix, Horace McMahon, Cathy O'Donnell, George Macready, Joseph Wiseman
Idioma: Inglés / Español con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 704x384
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 1,32 GB
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