George Cukor, 1944
Paula's aunt, Alice Alquist, a famous entertainer, is murdered in her home. Paula, who lives with her aunt, finds the body. Police fail to find the killer, and Paula is sent away to school. Ten years later, Paula returns to London with her new husband. They take up residence in her aunt's house, which she has inherited. Paula is increasingly isolated by her husband but does come to the attention of an admirer of her aunt, Mr. Brian Cameron.
Año: 1944
País: USA
Género: Drama psicológico. Intriga.
Dirección: George Cukor
Guión: John van Druten, Walter Reisch, John L. Balderston (Obra: Patrick Hamilton)
Duración: 114 min
Reparto: Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer, Joseph Cotten, Dame May Whitty, Angela Lansbury, Barbara Everest, Emil Rameau, Edmund Breon, Halliwell Hobbes, Tom Stevenson, Heather Thatcher
Idioma: Inglés / Español con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 492x364
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 705 MB
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