Den-en ni shisu

(Pastoral: To Die In the Country, Shuji Terayama, 1974)

Set in a dreamlike rural Japan, the story starts out to be about an adolescent boy's attempt to escape his overprotective mother and then surprisingly becomes a filmmakers desire to confront his own elaborated creation. There is also an effort to reconcile the individual with the collective or old and new Japan through this parade of emblematic images. Gossiping women wear sinister eye patches. An outcast simple-minded woman drowns her own baby and later returns as a sophisticated prostitute. A circus fat lady yearns to have her fake body inflated by a dwarf. Curious and astounding scenes abound, all contributing to an overwhelming experience of a creative mind interrogating itself.

Den-en ni shisu
Año: 1974
País: Japón
Género: Surrealismo. Sobre cine. Circo
Dirección: Shuji Terayama
Guión: Shuji Terayama
Duración: 120 min
Reparto: Yoshio Harada, Izumi Hara, Isao Kimura
Idioma: Japones con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 720x544
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 1,09 Gb

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