Howard Hawks, 1946
The Big Sleep is the story of a private investigator, named Philip Marlowe, hired by a wealthy general to find out and stop his youngest daughter, Carmen, from being blackmailed about her gambling debts; things almost immediately unravel and blow up from here, as Marlowe finds himself deep within a web of love triangles, blackmail, murder, gambling, and organized crime. Marlowe, with the help of the General's eldest daughter, Vivian, skillfully plot to free the family from this web and trap the main main behind much of this mischief, Eddie, to meet his end at the hands of his own henchmen.
The Big Sleep
Año: 1946
País: Estados Unidos
Género: Cine negro. Intriga
Dirección: Howard Hawks
Guión: William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett, Jules Furthman (Novela: Raymond Chandler)
Duración: 114 min
Reparto: Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely, Martha Vickers, Dorothy Malone, Regis Toomey, Elisha Cook Jr., Peggy Knudsen
Idioma: Inglés con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 528 x 384
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 701 MB
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