Edgar G. Ulmer, 1945
In flashback, New York nightclub pianist Al Roberts hitchhikes to Hollywood to join his girl Sue. On a rainy night, the sleazy gambler he's riding with mysteriously dies; afraid of the police, Roberts takes the man's identity. But thanks to a blackmailing dame, Roberts' every move plunges him deeper into trouble.
Año: 1945
País: Estados Unidos
Género: Cine negro. Thriller. Intriga. Serie B
Dirección: Edgar G. Ulmer
Guión: Martin Goldsmith (Novela: Martin Goldsmith)
Duración: 67 min
Reparto: Tom Neal, Ann Savage, Claudia Drake, Edmund MacDonald, Tim Ryan, Esther Howard, Pat Gleason, Don Brodie, Roger Clark, Eddie Hall, Harry Strang
Idioma: Inglés / Español con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 576x432
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 745 MB
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