Stanley Kubrick, 1962
Humbert Humbert, a divorced British professor of French literature, travels to small-town America for a teaching position. He allows himself to be swept into a relationship with Charlotte Haze, his widowed and sexually famished landlady, whom he marries in order that he might pursue the woman's 14-year-old flirtatious daughter, Lolita, with whom he has fallen hopelessly in love, but whose affections shall be thwarted by a devious trickster named Clare Quilty.
Año: 1962
País: Reino Unido / Estados Unidos
Género: Drama. Romance
Dirección: Stanley Kubrick
Guión: Vladimir Nabokov (Novela: Vladimir Nabokov)
Duración: 154 min
Reparto: James Mason, Sue Lyon, Shelley Winters, Peter Sellers, Marianne Stone, Diana Decker, Jerry Stovin, Gary Cockrell, Suzanne Gibs, Roberta Shore, Cec Linder, Lois Maxwell
Idioma: Inglés con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: BRRip
Resolución: 796 x 480
Formato: MKV
Tamaño: 730 MB
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