Tsai Ming-liang, 2009
Visage follows the production of a film maudit, directed by Kang, a Taiwanese director who has come to Paris. It's definitely a film of fragments, the story is hard to follow because it's clear that quite a lot of it occurs between scenes, even within scenes action often occurs offshot. As a viewer I felt like an interloper, because the camera is often tight in a corner or outside of the room where action occurs. It's as if Tsai wants to shun the viewer, to emphasise the distance between a viewer/voyeur's comprehension and what is taking place. As a comparison, Flux Film 37 is a short film where a man sits in front of a camera, chewing gum with a frown on his face, carefully sticking transparencies onto the camera until finally nothing is visible, an act of defiance against the viewer. As well as perhaps shooting in this spirit, one of the characters (Laetitia Casta the supermodel playing Salomé in the movie within the movie) also starts taping herself up from view, blacking out a window until the shot goes black and taping up her mirror slowly and deliberately. I also felt this was a kind of dark metaphor, of a loss of innocence, of a person's transformation from being a public creature interested in life and self-exploratory, to a sexual entity, closed off, lolling in a lust-sty.
Año: 2009
País: Francia, Taiwán, Bélgica, Países Bajos
Género: Drama
Dirección: Tsai Ming-liang
Guión: Tsai Ming-liang
Duración: 136 min
Idioma: Francés, mandarín e inglés con subs en español e inglés (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 608x336
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 700 MB + 701 MB
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