Robert Wise, 1949
Over-the-hill boxer Bill 'Stoker' Thompson insists he can still win, though his sexy wife Julie pleads with him to quit. But his manager Tiny is so confident he will lose, he takes money for a "dive" from tough gambler Little Boy...without bothering to tell Stoker. Tension builds as Stoker hopes to "take" Tiger Nelson, unaware of what will happen to him if he does.
The Set-Up
Año: 1949
País: Estados Unidos
Género: Drama. Cine negro. Boxeo
Dirección: Robert Wise
Guión: Art Cohn
Duración: 72 min
Reparto: Robert Ryan, Audrey Totter, Alan Baxter, George Tobias
Idioma: Inglés con subs en español (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 720x480
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 950 MB
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