Mesto na zemle (Artour Aristakisian, 2001)
It´s very difficult to subscribe movie like this one in such small review. I think I would need big essay to say all of my emotions and opinions regarding "A Place On Earth". It was a pretty hard journey watching this movie, because of it´s explicit existential and philosophical visuals and themes, but the feeling I´ve got when I left the theater was astounding. Than I had time to think and realize what exactly did I just seen. "A Place On Earth" is a wonderful movie, brilliant study of a man´s place on earth (and in universe), complex mixture of religion, philosophy, psychology and myth, along, of course with the great directing from Russian director Aristakisian. The best films are those that stay with You forever, and this is one of them. I´ve seen this one in Sarajevo, Bosnia, at "8.Sarajevo Film Festival", august.2002., and the director Aristakisian was also at the projection, explaining that his movie we should explore as a book and not a piece of cinema. And he was right. Watching this I had a very literate feeling and I think that it´s what is the best about "A Place On earth". Surely a master-piece.
Writen by Mario-raz
Mesto na zemle
Año: 2001
País: Rusia
Género: Drama
Dirección: Artour Aristakisian
Guión: Artour Aristakisian, Irina Shubina
Duración: 122 min
Idioma: Ruso con subtítulos en español e inglés (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 640x480
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 1,36 GB